Detailed Design
A strength of ours is in finer detail and, through the detailed design process, ensuring that proposals can be implemented as planned and function efficiently from the outset. We produce designs to RIBA Stage 4 Technical Design for highways and public spaces, ranging from high value transformative urban realm schemes, complex signalised junctions to focusing on individual elements, such as feature stonework.
Alongside detailing our own schemes, we work with other organisations in producing design elements and drawings for wider projects. We have a history of collaborating with eminent designers, and award winning architectural and landscape architecture practices. We ensure that even the smallest interventions receive ample thought and consideration. Our experience undertaking access studies and road safety audits means that our highway designs have user safety and access fully integrated.
We offer CAD services typically based around the transport engineering sector and urban design, including works associated with the Highways Act 1980 Section 278 (Agreements as to execution of works) and 38 designs (Power of highway authorities to adopt by agreement), vehicle swept path analysis, traffic sign design and urban realm schemes.