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Feasibility Studies and Concept Design

Pax Associates can undertake feasibility studies to assist in determining scheme viability and often finding elements of added value. We are well versed in evaluating sites and gathering information to provide evidence of where existing conditions can be improved, such as in terms of infrastructure, connectivity and access, and identifying and creating opportunities to support client aims and objectives.


Additionally, Pax can review and carry forward recommendations and expand upon opportunities of feasibility studies to produce workable concept designs. We always seek to establish a close working relationship with clients to ensure everyone is happy with the direction and development of the concepts. We aim to exceed our client’s expectations while making sure our design outcomes are realistic and achievable.


Examples of our previous feasibility study and conceptual work include:


Marsh Wall, Isle of Dogs, London Borough of Tower Hamlets


Pax conducted a detailed examination of proposed and permitted development plans, as well as pedestrian movement surveys, to reveal gaps in pedestrian infrastructure and fragmented permeability as a result of rapid change relating to the South Quay Masterplan’s incremental implementation. Recommendations were made to align and improve connections to road crossing locations, areas of interest and access to public transport. Increased volumes of pedestrians generated by the new developments were also predicted and considered.


Wapping Bus Gate and Low Traffic Neighbourhood, London Borough of Tower Hamlets


As part of our review of Wapping 20mph Zone, traffic origin/destination surveys confirmed that a high number of vehicle movements which cut through a mainly residential area to bypass peak period traffic queues on the A classified road on the area’s perimeter. Pax then undertook a study into the potential effects of theoretical vehicle restrictions placed at several location options and the types and positions advanced warning and informational signage.


Wapping Lane Landscape Proposals, London Borough of Tower Hamlets


Well-used shopping parades located in central section of Wapping Lane were hampered by narrow footways, excessive street furniture, a lack of road crossing points on pedestrian desire lines and a lack of greening. Pax developed concepts to widen footways, reduce street clutter and improve the pedestrian experience. The proposals transformed a previously tired, inaccessible area of hard landscaping with planting beds, accessible paths with seating and previously fenced in grassed areas opened up. The nearby green space in Choppin’s Court was to be continued with planting beds through a short walkway to Wapping Lane where an avenue of new tree planting and rain gardens softened the hard landscaping and connected with the existing tree canopies at Wapping Green.

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